Order Information

  • How do I cancel an order?

    You can cancel orders that haven't entered the shipping process yet by emailing support@mineraltiles.com or via our chat/contact form at mineraltiles.com. Make sure to inform your order number. There is no guarantee that we will be able to stop your order before shipping. After submitting the can...
  • How long does it take for a order to be delivered?

    If you select the Standard Free Shipping method, it takes anywhere from 5 to 7 business days. There are other shipping methods available such as FedEx Ground. You may use our shipping calculator when you put an item in the cart. You do not have to type your full address, but just the state and zi...
  • Why is Shipping Cost High?

    If the shipping cost is too high relative to the item you are ordering or the total amount in your cart, you are probably trying to order a single box, pack, or sheet of tile. Unfortunately, due to the nature of our product (heavy and large in size), shipping one piece or ten can cost almost the ...